Effective Sales Leaders do these things

As a business owner or sales manager, the success of your company lays in your hands. Your sales force, no matter the size, is your responsibility, and should always be your first priority. The success of your company, its future and the security of its employees depend on competent sales leadership. It’s important that you […]

Lead Automation for Construction and Manufacturing Companies

With the construction and manufacturing industries back on the rise all over the U.S., Mothernode CRM has just released a new integration with ConstructConnect’s Insight service. ConstructConnect, ™ a service that provides detailed project information to construction companies, gives its clients access to construction projects throughout the United States and Canada. This information includes contacts, [...]

Building an Effective Email Campaign Strategy

Building short-term and long-term engagement campaigns are instrumental to your lead nurturing strategy. There are an infinite combinations of campaign strategies you can create, but in this lesson we’ll focus on common types. Short-Term Campaigns These campaigns should be designed to convert quickly. While the autoresponder sequence is used as a personalized approach to connect with your […]

Strategies for Website Visitor Follow-up Sequences

Depending on your business and how well your SEO is working, your products and services might be stimulating a lot of interest. That’s great! But the more interest in your content, the more questions you’ll receive. Most often this means your visitors are completing a web form, better known as lead capture forms, to effectively […]


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