Lead Automation for Construction and Manufacturing Companies

With the construction and manufacturing industries back on the rise all over the U.S., Mothernode CRM has just released a new integration with ConstructConnect’s Insight service. ConstructConnect, ™ a service that provides detailed project information to construction companies, gives its clients access to construction projects throughout the United States and Canada. This information includes contacts, companies, specified products, and other details that help construction companies tailor their sales process to each project they want to bid on.

Gain Insight into Critical Construction Industry Data

ConstructConnect’s Insight service gives building product manufacturers access to a huge pool of construction pros—over 1.1 million active contacts at last count. Its project leads database is the most accurate in all North America.

ConstructConnect clients can also limit their searches to a specific region within the country, or specify other parameters, such as project size, location, total value, and more, that fit with their company’s focus. A collaboration of four construction industry leaders, ConstructConnect enhances its clients’ success by providing a user-friendly service through which they can access information about projects.

Manufacturers who specialize in building products can use ConstructConnect’s Insight service to access forecasting tools, historical data, and construction activity to analyze their company’s performance against that of their competitors. They can use this data to engage with companies that specify the products you and your competitors provide, as well as to understand the shifting trends and drivers that shape the construction industry and the manufacturers who supply it.

Yet for most companies who use standard CRM services, that information, though highly beneficial, is disconnected from their sales processes.

Mothernode-ConstructConnect Integration Eliminates the Need for Two Lead Lists

Mothernode CRM, however, bridges that gap. When ConstructConnect clients subscribe to Mothernode’s CRM service, they can connect their Mothernode account to their ConstructConnect one, allowing them to download new projects and updates on a daily basis. These projects are the same ones that have been qualified within their ConstructConnect account, giving them a seamless integration for a decided edge over their competitors.

When clients download project updates from ConstructConnect into Mothernode, Mothernode notifies the company’s sales representatives through email or in-app notifications about updates to projects they follow within their lists of leads and opportunities. With the Mothernode integration, sales reps can stay on top of the projects they are interested in, gaining critical news that can help them land the sale.

This integration allows users to choose which projects they want to download as new leads, adding them to their already-existing sales process so they can pursue them as active leads. Once added, these projects will update automatically when the project does. The Mothernode CRM integration with ConstructConnect includes all of the projects’ details except for some supporting documents, such as plans, specifications, and similar information.

With this integration, users no longer need to rely on their ConstructConnect access to see their project leads. When they integrate their ConstructConnect account with their Mothernode CRM, they need only to access their Mothernode account, freeing them from the challenges of managing two separate lead lists.

To discover how Mothernode can help your building trades manufacturing company leverage ConstructConnect’s data without having your hands tied with two lead lists, contact Mothernode’s sales team today.


Learn more about how Mothernode CRM can help automate your business processes. Schedule time with an advisor today.



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