Strategies for Website Visitor Follow-up Sequences

Depending on your business and how well your SEO is working, your products and services might be stimulating a lot of interest. That’s great! But the more interest in your content, the more questions you’ll receive.

Most often this means your visitors are completing a web form, better known as lead capture forms, to effectively submit their inquiry. For your visitor, this is their gateway to connect with you. For you, this is the way you capture their information and an opportunity to turn your visitor into your next client.

While simple responses are easy to facilitate, when faced with a volume of requests, daily or weekly, communicating with your audience can become an administrative burden. This is especially true in smaller organizations and can become a barricade to addressing other pressing needs in your daily activities. The problem is that not everyone interested in your products or services is interested in buying from you. By the time you reply to their request for more info, their interests may have shifted or they might have decided to purchase from a competitor.

There’s no magic formula to change the behavior of your visitor, but there are a few things you can do to manage your inbound requests. You could hire someone else to manage web leads, but naturally there’s a huge cost that comes bringing on another employee. The most economical way to communicate with your prospects is by creating email automation sequences that correspond with their interests.

Here are a few suggestions to help you automate your communication with your inbound leads. By automating the communication sequence, you’re staying engaged with your customer long enough address their interests and hopefully sell to them. The time savings are best recognized with prospects who never intended to buy or who don’t follow-up with their initial interest that led them to complete the web form in the first place. Automating your follow-up sequences eliminates the administrative communications required for traditional follow-up.

First Email

Your first email is the initial response to your prospects inquiry. In this example the counter-request is to engage the visitor in a 5-10 minute phone call. In Mothernode CRM this sequence can be triggered by the web form, by the type of lead or manually by the user once the lead is qualified. Increase your response rate by keeping your emails short and to the point.

Hi %contact_first_name%,

Thanks for visiting our website and checking out some of our content.  I wanted to connect briefly to understand what was driving your interest and to see how I can help. When is the best time to connect for 5-10 minutes?

Thank you,

Sharon Jones


Second Email

The second request is based on no response to the first email. This second email assumes a reasonable buffer that would have given the recipient a sufficient response time. It’s authored as a follow-up with the same call to action as the first, gauging the prospects interest at the same time.

Hi %contact_first_name%,

I’m following up on my previous attempt to connect, because I saw you did some research on Mothernode CRM earlier and that you’re the contact at %customer_company_name%.

I’m not sure where your interests lie but I would like to set up a time to find out so that I can provide some relevant resources and answer any questions you may have. When would be a good time to speak for 5-10 min?

Thank you,

Sharon Jones


Third (Final) Email

The last email in the sequence is sent when enough time has passed from the initial inquiry and no response has been received to both previous emails. The message lets the prospect know there will be the final attempt to contact them, and gives them one last chance to respond.

Hi %contact_first_name%,

I’ve been trying to reach you for the past few weeks, and haven’t had much luck in doing so. At this point I’ll assume your CRM search is no long a priority, and close out your file. If I’m incorrect in this assumption, please let me know the best date/time for an initial conversation, and I’ll send over a calendar invite directly.

Best regards,

Sharon Jones


Automating this follow-up sequence eliminated any time wasted with a prospect who wasn’t serious about buying, and allowed your sales reps to spend time working with more qualified leads.

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