Create & Send Holiday Greetings with Mothernode CRM

Wouldn’t it be great if you could simplify and automate your customer holiday greetings for all occasions? Now you can with Mothernode CRM Follow-up Sequences.

It’s simple. Create a holiday sequence and add your contacts to the sequence. Each time you make a new holiday greeting and add it to that sequence, your contacts will receive your next greeting on schedule. Done! There’s no better way to connect with your customers, no matter the occasion.



Get started in 3 easy steps!

Create your Holiday Greeting

Create one or more holiday greetings to send to your customers and contacts. Choose who you want the greeting to come from; your company or the individual who owns the contact.

Create a Holiday Sequence

Create a single holiday sequence you can add your contacts to. For every upcoming holiday, just add a new holiday template, along with a delivery date and your contacts will automatically receive all future greetings.

Add contacts to your sequence

Select which contacts you want to add to your new holiday sequence. These contacts will receive your scheduled holiday greeting and all future holiday greetings you add to the sequence.




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